Magnesium Bicarbonate, The Only Magnesium Supplement Worth Taking

Skylar Lysaker
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2020

Health and wellbeing have been a foundational part of my life for many years. Around the age of 19, I began experimenting with my diet. I dove deep into the best “foods” to eat, the “right” supplements to take and the type of water humans should optimally be drinking. Along with my new found interest in what I was consuming, I changed how I was moving.

I began shifting heavy lifting routines into yoga sessions, breathwork, and other alternative medical advice. By the end of 2019, all of that extra-curricular experimenting ended up with my learning a wealth of what to and what not to do. In this article, I’m going to share the benefits of one supplement that changed my life, that could just change yours too.

To preface, this is not a sales pitch OR medical advice, but simply an educational story of my experience. With that being said, let's begin.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that end’s up assisting in over 3,700 + enzymatic reactions. Our sleep, recovery, focus, and digestion all depend on magnesium to function at optimal levels. Basically, if you are lacking this super electrolyte (which most people are) you are losing out on quality life experience.

Humans require a certain amount of magnesium to maintain the proper function of the said above systems. Unfortunately, in today's world, we face a higher magnesium burn rate than in previous generations of humans. Why? Well, due to the mass amount of pollution, toxins in our food and water, and other physiological stressors we didn’t have years ago (like EMFs) we use our magnesium storage quickly.

You may be wondering, what signs would I have if I am magnesium deficient? For me personally, taking magnesium bicarbonate daily assisted my digestion, aided in reducing acid reflux, increased mental clarity, and reduced anxious thoughts in general. It’s even been said that severe magnesium deficiency may be related to the reason why so many people are suffering from diabetes.

Which Brand Should I Use?

After a couple of years of experimenting with magnesium personally, I stumbled across a company, Mitigate Stress that makes the best Magnesium Bicarbonate around.

The company was founded by Nick Lamanna & Nathan Colonna, who have experimented with every fad diet, workout routine, etc…Nathan was even able to heal his “unhealable” Lymes Disease, with the routines that he and Nick put together after years of experimentation.

Beyond selling top tier Magnesium, Nick & Nathan have built an entire company around “Mitigating Stress”. Essentially, they share good food habits, bodywork therapies, and supplement protocols that people of today’s world would benefit from.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to heal from disease, you must ensure that the supplements you are taking are the REAL DEAL. It is unfortunate that most brands and supplement aisles sell crap, mostly full of fillers. In your case, if you haven’t fallen into the trap like I have, going right to Nick & Nathans Magnesium Bicarbonate will save you time and money.

Along with taking this supplement, it would be highly beneficial to find ways to cut out other crucial stressors that increase the burn rate of magnesium. One extra habit you can pick up from this blog is Trigger Point Therapy. This is another tool I use in tandem with daily Magnesium Bicarbonate. TP is the process of removing adhesions, knots in your body. If you’d like to learn more about it, check out this resource.

Taking care of your body is a critical piece of living a happy life. Getting your blood flowing, decalcifying old physical wounds, and ensuring that the nutrients you eat get to your cells is key to your mental state. Without proper nutrition, hydration, and minerals in the body our quest for happiness will be a tough one.





Skylar Lysaker

Chief of Sales @ ISA Industries | Poet | Free Thinker