Message From God by Pradip Mukherji — Book Review

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4 min readNov 16, 2023

A book that unveils the secrets of human sufferings and provides solace.

Book Title — Message From God

Author — Pradip Mukherji

No. of pages — 58

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Book review -

Message From God by Pradip Mukherji is an enchanting book delving into the tapestry of Human salvation. The book takes readers on a promising expedition of uncovering the truth behind the hidden existence of god. It is divided into 10 meaningful chapters that takes you in the depth of understanding the real identity of god that has been covered for ages under the false deception of religion and spirituality. Pradip Mukherji claims himself to be the messenger of the God and reveals some shocking truths that unmasks the truth.

In the beginning chapters, the author has shed light upon the creation of the universe. the third chapter reveals the 4 form of gods stating the first god to be the eternal truth and supreme lord. the second god is depicted to be the upbringer of humanity but in reality the second god brings continuous suffering and pain by disorienting them from the truth. The second god can be named as Allah, Father, parmatma, Guru, Kaal, Brahm etc. The Third God is considered to be living inside humans that is the “Soul”. It is known as the God of spirituality. Soul is usually used by many Enlighted persons as a meditative spot to seek solace from this dreadful life. The Fourth God is the one that is worshipped by Pagans and Hindus. It has taken many forms, Krishna, Ram, Shiva, Durga, Greek gods, Occult gods etc. These are the gods of religion.

Moving Forward with sharing his knowledge, the author has shared many significant facts. this book, actually proves out to be a healing book that reveals some harsh things about the existence of god that is hugely mistaken by today’s generation. The book also clarifies about the birth of first child of god that were Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. and how all the other humans came into existence as their incarnations. The fresh perspective of kaal, depicted to be the one who eats human’s as his food for surviving is quite thrilling to read. The book also takes into account the importance of five kinds of energy bodies that exist in every human. According to the author, there are five energy bodies that cannot be activated by every human unless he is fully conscious about the existence of god. Astral Energy body, Mental Energy Body, Etheric Energy Body, Electromagnetic Energy Body and Spiritual Energy Body are some of the crucial parts of every physical body that gets activated once a human gets full awareness.

The Last parts of the book presents a way for readers to believe in the practice suggested by the author. the author has provided a 30 days healing practice which can be done by any human irrespective of their cast, religion, spiritualism. the author has requested all the readers to adopt the method stated in the end for just one month with open minds and see the aftereffects of that. Another interesting fact about this book, is that it states that “God doesn’t have any relation with your religion, spirituality, rituals, karmas, scriptures and any holy practice.” According to the author, God is the Eternal Truth and any of your past or present life karma has nothing to do with him. Weather you done good deeds or bad ones, there is no such concept as heaven or hell according to the book. God is always there for you weather you have everything or nothing to provide him.

The Healing Method given at the end of the book can be very helpful for anyone if you are willing to believe on it. Mukherji’s straightforward and bold writing style makes you indulge in the facts presented in the book. According to him, there is absolutely no right form of worshipping other than being real with your self. if you respect your truth then there is no need to engage in the holy activities or visiting religious places.

Overall, Message From God is an eye opening book delivering a very thoughtful message of understanding the reality of the supreme lord and practising the methods of healing for getting free from all the sufferings and pains. the book can be a little shocking and unbelieving at first but with moving chapters you will understand the depth behind the words of author. I would suggest all the readers to read this book with a bit open mindedness and it’s completely in your hands weather to believe on the theory of the author or not. The language used is very easy to understand and the clear concepts make this one a must read!

Hence, I will highly recommend this book to all those individuals who are looking forward to accept the reality with open eyes and who are willing to live their lives with utmost honesty and happiness. this book surely provides you the state of peace and bliss where there is no need to fear from god and there is also no need to believe in the so called traditional rituals. It’s a book of truth and its written for those who has the power to accept it.

Rating — 5/5




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