Mom’s Law of Emotion

Bisma Ishfaq
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2023

Parenthood is a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you’re experiencing overwhelming love and joy, and the next, you’re hiding in the bathroom trying to keep your sanity intact. Emotions during this journey are as unpredictable as a toddler on a sugar rush. But fear not! We have uncovered a groundbreaking discovery known as “Mom’s Law of Emotion.” Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to embark on a hilarious and exciting ride through the enigmatic realm of parental feelings.

Photo by Dmitry Rodionov on Unsplash

The First Law

The Law of Sleep Deprivation As any parent will tell you, sleep deprivation is the unofficial initiation rite into the realm of motherhood. Mom’s Law of Emotion states that the less sleep a mom gets, the higher the likelihood of her experiencing a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. One moment, she’s singing “You Are My Sunshine” with tears of joy streaming down her face, and the next, she’s screaming into a pillow, wondering why sleep feels like an elusive unicorn.

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

The Second Law

The Law of Mismatched Socks Parents, especially moms, have a supernatural ability to locate mismatched socks in a pile of laundry. According to Mom’s Law of Emotion, this talent triggers a range of feelings. Initially, there’s a sense of triumph for discovering that one elusive sock that has been hiding for ages. But as the pile grows and the unmatched sock count multiplies, frustration and bewilderment take over. The emotional climax occurs when a perfectly matching pair is discovered, only to realize that they belong to a size that hasn’t fit their child since infancy. Cue the laughter, tears, and perhaps a few muttered words that shall not be repeated.

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

The Third Law

The Law of Public Meltdowns Ah, the infamous public meltdown. No parent is immune to this phenomenon, and Mom’s Law of Emotion explains why. Picture this: you’re strolling through a supermarket, blissfully unaware, and suddenly your child decides to unleash their inner diva, demanding a candy bar louder than a marching band. As the embarrassed parent, you experience a wild cocktail of emotions. From mortification to desperation to find an escape route, you quickly transform into a human circus act, juggling the child, the groceries, and your sanity.

Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

The Fourth Law

The Law of Time Warp Time is a tricky concept for parents. Mom’s Law of Emotion suggests that time operates at a different pace when you have children. The moment you become a parent, minutes morph into nanoseconds, while hours stretch like chewing gum. How is it that you can spend an eternity waiting for your child to tie their shoes, but the moment you attempt to enjoy a cup of hot coffee, it magically vanishes before you take a sip? This perplexing phenomenon evokes a blend of frustration, awe, and an insatiable desire for a time machine.

Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash


Parenthood is a wild adventure filled with emotions that can change at the drop of a pacifier. Mom’s Law of Emotion offers a lighthearted lens to understand the intricacies of parental feelings. From sleep deprivation-induced hysteria to public meltdowns that test your composure, these laws remind us that laughter is the best coping mechanism. So, dear parents, embrace the chaos, wear mismatched socks proudly, and remember that your emotional rollercoaster ride is what makes this journey so extraordinary and worth cherishing.

Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash


The content of this article is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please consult your sense of humor before taking it too seriously.



Bisma Ishfaq

I am a creative content writer who brings ideas to life through captivating and compelling writing