Negative Self-talk

Tehreem Khursheed
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2024
Photo by Vlad Chernolyasov on Unsplash

People become what they think. Your thoughts and opinions about yourself become your whole identity.

When you say something bad about yourself for the first time, nothing happens. But when you repeat negative thoughts several times, they start seeping into your everyday routine. And slowly, before you even realize it, they engulf your personality.

Self-talk is the software that runs your brain. It is the leading driver in making any decision.

It is easy to say that we should not think terribly about ourselves and be positive all the time, but in reality, we, as humans, always find negativity and destruction attractive. It is easier to think bad rather than think something constructive. It requires deliberate effort and practice.

What we think on autopilot is the real us. And if you have been thinking negatively about yourself all these years, it would require extra effort to keep your mind positive.

How to stop negative thinking?

  1. Challenge your own thoughts: Check where these thoughts are coming from. Do not shut them up instantly without checking their origin. If they are sprouting from a place of fear, address that fear.

2. Look at what you have achieved: I have a folder in my phone titled You are loved, where I put all the positive comments, achievements, and reviews. One day, I got a casual review from one of my clients saying, I really like your work. I instantly screenshot and save it in that folder. This type of folder is a lifesaver when you feel low about yourself! Running through day-to-day life makes us forget what we have already achieved.

3. Be imperfect: Perfection is nothing. Strive for excellence. Both are different!

4. Write your thoughts: When we write our thoughts, we take them out of our minds and place them in front of us. It gives us clarity on what we are thinking and whether it is worth spending time on.



Tehreem Khursheed

Content Writer | I talk about writing tips, SEO, researching techniques and productivity.