Organic vs. Synthetic

Glen Binger
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2020


Whenever possible, when choosing what to feed and nourish your body with, take the beneficial choice: organic over synthetic.

Organic wins longevity every time.

You are what you consume. Right down to the molecular level. This is a fact, not fiction or fake news. The things you put into your body impact your frequency. Your vibe. Your presence.

That goes for food.

For drink.

For thought.

For feeling.



Medicine and religion.

For science.

For math.

For synthesis and syntax.

The deeper you dive, the more you realize that everything about you is connected to the torus of energy surrounding you at all times. All of it, always.

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” — John Muir

With this understanding — this lens — comes a choice: intake the organic or the synthetic? What do you feed your body, mind, and soul? Are you paying attention to your diet?

