Radical Confrontation.

Richie Crowley
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2018


Buckle up. We’re going for a ride.

You’re walking up a hill. It’s a big hill, and it will probably take you about 12–16 hours to reach the top. You are carrying a bucket. You can’t put down the bucket, or even rest the bucket on the ground, just on yourself. You can switch your grips, switch hands, and how you carry it, but you can’t put the bucket down.

Now, I’m curious, how does this make you feel?

Joyful, Strong, Challenged, Tired, Anxious, Stressed, Defeated.

In this, we never discussed the size of the bucket, or what was in your bucket, if anything. But where did your mind go? How big was your bucket? What was in your bucket?

The truth is, we’re awake for close to 16 hours a day, and each day we climb a hill. Our bucket is our life, and the contents of the bucket are what we carry with us each and every day. Now before we continue, I want to ask you to do something.

Take a minute, place your phone or screen down, and think about the contents of your bucket, and what doesn’t belong in there.

[breathe in. breathe out. breathe in. breathe out]

I want to introduce something that I’m calling radical confrontation. It makes me uncomfortable, but I’m so thankful for radical confrontation.



Richie Crowley

Slowly building an audience by publishing original thoughts and ideas only when I have something of quality to say.