Retail Therapy: Celebrating Wins and Refreshing Your Look

How shopping can be therapeutic

Badiana Badio Eckstrom
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

Let’s face it, there’s a reason “retail therapy” is a phrase thrown around so often. There’s a certain undeniable joy that comes with treating yourself to something special, especially after achieving a personal milestone. For me, that feeling recently came in the form of five brand new pairs of shoes — a celebratory shopping spree after landing a dream job!

The Thrill of the Reward

Psychologist Gwendolyn Bounds, Ph.D. explains the allure of retail therapy, saying, “When we achieve a goal, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Shopping can trigger this same dopamine response, creating a positive feedback loop that reinforces the desired behavior.”

In my case, the “desired behavior” was the relentless pursuit of a job that truly aligned with my values. The reward? The new position itself, and the celebratory shopping trip that followed.

More Than Just Stuff

But it’s not just about the dopamine rush. Retail therapy can also be a way to acknowledge and solidify our achievements. My new job involved business travel, a stark contrast to my previous remote work life filled with comfy pajamas and athleisure. Sure, I technically had clothes, but a new wardrobe felt like a physical manifestation of this exciting career shift. It was a way to step into this new role with confidence and style.

A Refreshing Transformation

Fashion stylist. Marisol Santiago agrees, stating, “Clothes can be a powerful tool for self-expression and confidence building. A post-achievement shopping spree can be a way to refresh your look and project the image you want to present to the world, especially in a new professional setting.”

Treat Yourself, But Be Mindful

Of course, there’s a fine line between celebrating and overspending. Dr. Bounds advises, “Retail therapy can be a healthy coping mechanism in moderation. The key is to be intentional about your purchases and set a budget beforehand.”

The Takeaway

So, the next time you achieve a goal, big or small, don’t feel guilty about treating yourself. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a celebratory dinner, or a relaxing massage, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and enjoy the sweet feeling of accomplishment. After all, you deserve it!



Badiana Badio Eckstrom

Raised in the vibrant rhythms of Haitian roots, curious about ordinary moments & the dichotomy of being black & privileged