Say Less, Do More

how to make better choices

Glen Binger


“Language is used not to create thoughts but to express them, and mastery of prose does not make a great thinker.” — Alan Watts

In other words, expression follows action. Action follows thought. But between those two, lies choice. It is choice that gives us our power. A choice between which emotions to react to and which to let flow through you. A choice between which passions to hold tight and which to let go. A choice between what to say out loud and what to keep to yourself.

So in the age of social media, where everyone has an opinion and a thought to share about everything, how do we rise above the noise to share our betterment with those around us?

The answer is simple, though taking action upon it is much more difficult than it sounds.

Say less and do more.

It’s a bottom line truth which is easy to forget this day and age. Let’s punctuate that sentiment with another quote from Alan Watts:

“The meaning of life is in its movement and not in the place to which it moves.”

Social media has taken that realization from us. Made us think that every thought we have is a diamond. A gold mine waiting to be retweeted into oblivion. When in reality, it’s our actions that are the…

