Sex And The Devil’s Lettuce

Is “baked boning” becoming all the rage?

Robert Cormack


Photo by Elsa Donald on Unsplash

Of course I know how to roll a joint.” Martha Stewart

If research is to be believed, we’ve become a nation of “fatties.” I don’t mean we’re getting fat (although we are). I mean we’re using pot to turn ordinary sex into a craven exercise (better known as baked boning).

Baked boning has become a national pastime, crossing generations, and turning otherwise lacklustre lovers into mattress champs.

As one woman on Reddit described it, “There’s no experience like blazing, even if it does give me cotton vag.”

Well, nothing’s perfect, obviously, but outside of a few inconveniences, baked boning has shown remarkable results in the bedroom, turning skeptics into true followers, and exploding the ranks of “devil’s lettuce” worshipers.

Women who smoke grass regularly orgasm more easily than women who don’t (55% vs. 38%).

OkCupid questioned over a million people between 2012 and 2017 and found that men get off more easily smoking “devil’s lettuce” compared with those who never touch the stuff (72% vs. 66%). Women who smoke grass regularly orgasm more easily than women who don’t (55% vs. 38%).

In a more serious breakdown reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 28,176 women and 22,942 men (average age of 29), were studied on a monthly, weekly and daily basis. Men had 20% more sex monthly, 22% more weekly and 35% more daily. Women were 34%, 36% and 16% respectively.

From college dorms to senior’s homes, the “devil’s lettuce” is becoming more and more popular. I include senior’s residences (agains the wishes of people who have a parent in a senior’s residence) because pot as a therapeutic counters what gets in the way of intimacy, like pain, stiffness or a bad attitude.

Seniors, in fact, are quite capable of being cannasexual, although they’re not as vocal about it. It might only come up in conversation during bridge or a medical examine like (well, doc, I took my herbal therapy, and the next thing I know, I’m chasing a woman down the hall, and now they’ve got me in a private ward).

Some who “take to the bowl” even admit they’re okay with freaky sex, multiple sex partners or even bisexual ones.

In any event, there’s something very liberating — even kinky — about smoking a fattie before or during sex. Some who “take to the bowl” even admit they’re now okay with freaky sex, multiple sex partners or even bisexual ones.

Of course, the hedonistic side has to be balanced with concerns about abuse and dependence. Will smoking weed before or during sex lead to harder stuff? Or will we reach the point where we can’t have sex without lighting up?

There’s always the risk of going too far, or as one man asked on Reddit, “Will I eventually be the dude who ends up making out with an iguana?”

Experts differ greatly on this, mostly because they’ve never heard of anyone making out with an iguana (including iguanas). But it is clear the “devil’s lettuce” has numerous benefits, including increased sensitivity, intense orgasms and a slower perception of time.

Perhaps it’ll help looking at these individually, since they do represent the reason we’re cannasexuals in the first place.

Increased Sensitivity: A 1984 study cited by Psychology Daily found that users feel more relaxed, euphoric and emotional after toking. As one man in the study put it, “My mind is 100% sex focused, except when I have to fight away the ‘damn cat doing zooms’ thoughts.”

Her longest orgasm clocked in at 50 seconds. She’s still amazed she could read her watch.

Intense Orgasms: A subject using the pseudonym, Elizabeth, told New York Magazine that her orgasms “seem to last for 30 seconds and are incredibly intense.” Her longest orgasm clocked in at 50 seconds. She’s still amazed she could read her watch.

Slows Down Time: Perception of time on weed is often extended — or forgotten about entirely. This could be due to greater sexual satisfaction or, as one subject pointed out, “It’s possible we went four hours, or we didn’t have sex at all. Who knows? I woke up with his foot in my mouth.”

There’s no doubt pot affects our brains and our libedos. In extreme cases, some subjects wonder if they’re able to control ourselves. “If I smoke a native strain,” one woman confessed, “I get super horny, which is pretty much why I’m afraid to smoke with a bunch of people.”

To each their own, as they say. Eventually you get to know your limitations, hopefully before you do something regrettable.

In other words, know your limits, practice “Fattie Safety,” and everything should be okay. Not to mention a hell of a lot of fun.

Robert Cormack is a journalist, novelist and blogger. His first novel “You Can Lead a Horse to Water (But You Can’t Make It Scuba Dive)” is available online or at most major bookstores. Check out Robert’s other articles and stories at or by joining



Robert Cormack

I did a poor imitation of Don Draper for 40 years before writing my first novel. I'm currently in the final stages of a children's book. Lucky me.