Evan Pease
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2018
Stop and Enjoy Life by Anaranxa

Easier said than done — halt — putting on the brakes — a skid to stop.

You may not think you can take a break. Understandable, the outcome of an ideological cage match is at stake.

These are times when the world is seen through a lens of “what they are doing wrong.” There is no question that “they” are and someone needs to keep an eye on it.

This is an important job, but rest assured, in your absence, millions of people will look through the same lens.

Take a beak and draw your attention to the world beyond the lens — this world — this universe — this life — this oh so amazing life.

Some people have suggested the reality we live in is a simulation. Maybe it is but I don’t think we created it. If we did, why did we make ourselves so dumb?

Technology wise we are pretty darn smart but we have collectively mastered shooting ourselves in the foot when it comes to what’s best for our species.

After thousands of years the human drama has not changed. We know more about everything than ever before. In yet, we seem to know so little about each other, let alone ourselves.

We operate from last years play book. Our focus is the weekend and getting through Mondays. We see our world in microbits of data. We are near sighted.

We . . . . .

  • Pack schedules to give life meaning
  • Concern ourselves with Dopamine pumps (phones)
  • Hate because we don’t know how to feel pain
  • Swipe for love because we don’t feel it inside
  • Connect without touching
  • Read bullet points

We have forgotten how amazing we are. We have forgotten how amazing this world is. We have forgotten how amazing the universe is.

Every once in a while we need to be reminded — look up — bask in the wonder of being human — feel — release — smile.

In a few thousand years our focus has gone from the heavens to our palm

Focus has become smaller and smaller so a good place to start a conversation of amazing is something really small — atoms.

When was the last time you got on your knees before the periodic table? That may be a bit over the top, even for chemists but no matter what, atoms are amazing.

They are literally the building blocks of everything. Travel to Mars it’s a bunch of atoms. The Milky Way — atoms. Your Mom — atoms.

by FiloChapas

Isn’t it amazing a balanced combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons is how everything is made — EVERYTHING!!!

In yet, atoms for the most part are simple like 2 + 2 = 4. Atoms balance.

Can you imagine if Microsoft would have been put in charge of coming up with the atom? Well, for one, the entire universe would update on Thursdays.

Where do atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons (I am staying away from quarks) come from? That is part of their mystery and magnificence.

Take a look around you and imagine every object you see for what it is. A pile of protons, neutrons and electrons put together in various combinations to give you reality.

It is amazing and deserves reverence. Atoms are not created randomly or without purpose. They have structure and order.

Atoms have a certain discipline or maybe instinct. They have to balance their charge.

Everything in the universe needs to balance in the universal ledger. Otherwise,

it blows up.

Billions of years ago another category was added to the Universal Ledger — LIFE

The MOTHER, the Son, and the Moon and the DNA by Mandelwerk

Long after atoms had been around the universe needed to add a bit of complexity and thus life was created.

Life — all life is built upon DNA. You, me the tree and your cat — DNA. Your neighbor who fires up his leaf blower at 10pm, the person who cut in line, the person who apologized for cutting in line, and all the saints and sages that have ever lived — DNA.

What makes us any different from a tree or an amoeba? Not much actually — usually a chromosome or two. That probably explains a few things about some folks you know.

Skin color, hair color, the shape of your ear, your nose your mouth all encoded in DNA. And guess what?

You have absolutely no say in the matter as to how you turn out. From the standpoint of DNA we are virtually identical.

Whenever anything mates their DNA’s mingle together, negotiate and come together to create another ________. This is insurance.

At any point, the not so nice world of viruses (Life and DNA too) can come up with something lethal. Diversity allows us to survive.

Diversity is Life. Thank goodness DNA has that one built in — pretty amazing isn’t it.

I could keep going on, but I think you get the point. The universe, world and life are pretty darn amazing when you take the time to think about it.

Sadly, we don’t think about it enough. We forget this planet really is a space ship. We are the only ones. This is our only home. We have no where else to go.

We take care of our home — we fix it, repair it, and make it special because it is a reflection of who we are. Where do we start? Our own home — ourselves.

The Universal Ledger takes care of us. It debits and credits keeping the balance.

It is not just planets, atoms, and DNA on the ledger. Humanity is too — with or without you keeping an eye on things.

The entire matter is out of your hands. It is already being taken care of by the magic of universal law.

It is perfectly ok to stop, take a break, kick your feet up and not worry about what they are doing, not doing, about to do, may do or did.

Look around you, above, below, next to and around. The world is amazing. The universe is amazing.

You are amazing.

In summary — take the day off and CHILL!!!!

The Artists:

Ana (AKA Anaranxa) photo captured the essence of pause. Great job Ana. Here is some contact info:

Johan Andersson (AKA Mandelwerk) creates some great fractal art. He has some 3D printed 3D fractal sculptures and jewelry at Shapeways: and you can find him here —



Evan Pease

WTF average per day is 42 which coincidentally is also the meaning of life. Avatar by Luz Tapia.