The Art Of Fear đź‘ą

Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2019

We all have things that often haunt us to the core. It can be a physical being, certain dilemmas, or even a drastic memory that we have. All of these things stem from a place of fear that often holds back people from unleashing their full potential.

Everybody in this world has a different perspective on what fear actually is. Some people may say it’s a lifestyle choice, mindset, or even a curse.

Fear is whatever you make it out to be. You can thrive upon it, or it’ll eat you alive.

The other day I came across a young man at a recreational center where I used to live. We were all playing basketball and I overheard him say “Yeah i have a tube in my chest by my heart”. Something in my mind told me to spark a conversation and that’s exactly what I did. I asked him, “Does it affect you?” The answer he gave me shocked me and I instantly got chills of inspiration. He responded and said “Nah, I use it for motivation to keep going harder in sports. I take it easy just a bit but I can’t let this dictate my whole life.” With that in mind, when it was my turn to pick my team I made sure I picked him up. He played phenomenal as if his incident wasn’t even phasing him at all. We went on a 3 game winning streak ! Going through this experience made me look at life in a whole new perspective. This is a young man who could’ve let his incident dictate his life. But he looked fear in the eyes and took on the challenge head on without letting it control him whatsoever.

There’s a big difference between people who think of fear as a new challenge to overcome and people who think of fear as a near-death experience.

Fear Conquerors

People that take on fear as a challenge are what I call Fear Conqueors. A situation comes and they may feel some type of fear internally but they don’t let that fear cripple them. They find ways in order to break that fear down until they realize that there was nothing to be afraid of. The great thing about being a Fear Conqueror is that you get to experience life to the fullest. Fear to them is nothing but an adrenaline rush that springs them into action. Instead of having the fear of the unknown they capitalize on it by being persistent and seeing things from a positive perspective. There are people that’ve been through a lot of stuff in their life where in which they have no choice but to be a fear conqueror. It could be that their life was in danger, families’ life was in danger, or even being around the wrong environmental situations in which they had no choice but to grow up and overcome that.

Fear Victim

The fear victim is someone who lets fear take the wheel of their life. They have hopes and dreams that they want to someday amount to but they’re afraid of failure. Fear makes them hesitant and they instantly lose motivation to take action. Instantly, excuse after excuse will cloud their brain to the point where they will completely shut down mentally. These people often like to blame their fears upon someone/something else. That’s why they’re called Fear Victims, because they victimize themselves when they know deep down that they’re the problem. Don’t get me wrong at all, there are a lot of Fear Conquerors that’ve been Fear Victims in the past. The difference between the two is that one decided that they won’t let fears dictate their life. In essence, being a Fear Victim isn’t something that’s permanent you can definitely change and elevate yourself.

Comfort Zone

People love being comfortable. It feels good and familiar which tends to become effortless. With being comfortable there’s not much work put in order to elevate as a person. With having the mindset of being comfortable, mentally you feel as though you’ve done all things already to be the most successful. 9 times out of 10 you’ve not reached that level in life to be able to kick back and let life take its course. In order to become the best version of you that you can be you have to put yourself in pressure situations. Yes I know it’ll be uncomfortable and awkward the first time, that’s the point. By doing this you’re becoming fearless embodying what it takes to take action upon anything no matter how bad it may seem.

Outwitting The Devil: Napoleon Hill

This is a book that I will 100% recommend to my audience. I don’t want to explain the whole book to you guys because I want you guys to read it yourselves, but in the beginning, the author Napoleon Hill talks about the “other self”. When talking about it he talks about how fear had crippled him and ruined his self-confidence to follow his passion. He suddenly discovered his “other self” that diminished all of his fears in which he felt fearless in any situation. He also talks about turning your fears into faith. By doing so, you’re tapping into that inner confidence in yourself in order to capitalize off of your fears. This is a great read for someone who’s battling with fear and feels as though they’re imprisoned mentally.

Tips To Overcome Fear

  • Believe In Yourself
  • Shift Your Thoughts
  • Don’t Put Unnecessary Pressure On Yourself
  • Persistence Is Key (Keep Going !)
  • Stop Caring What People Say
  • Detach From The Outcome

Thanks For Reading ! 🙌🏾

Tap Into That “Other Self” today !




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