The Buy Nothing Project Golden Rules

Gladys Carmina
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2020


Hi, can I borrow a cup of sugar?

Photo by aranprime on Unsplash

The Buy Nothing Project is a global network in community-based groups. It is an initiative based on a hyper-local gift economy. In other words: you share what you have with your local community; aka neighbours; and expect nothing in return but a warm smile. Although you are always welcome to give extra time, a talent or a skill if you really have nothing tangible to give. Please don’t confuse, this is not a charity program.

Do you remember it was common to borrow a cup of sugar from the neighbours or when you even knew their faces?

I discovered The Buy Nothing Project a month ago and I am amazed at this:

How much we can store in our houses without noticing

I have met people and read posts that say: I don’t know where this came from. — Really, people?

Stored things are a nuisance if they don’t have a use

Look around you and you will find things that are there sitting waiting for their turn to be used. Then use them or get rid of them!

Your waste could be a treasure for others



Gladys Carmina

Get creative: 🌸Fibre Artist, writer and arroz de todos los moles🩷