The Golden Frequency: 432Hz

application of one specific Solfeggio frequency

Glen Binger


Let’s take the Solfeggio discourse a bit further into “Level 3.”

There’s one specific frequency that’s revered a bit higher than the others, among several different cultures. That’s the 432 Hz tone. It’s like unlocking a secret level in the game of personal optimization due to its relationship with “the golden ratio” of harmony across all parts of the universe, mathematically speaking. With this in mind, it has some profound findings in application to health and wellness.

Briefly, I’ll lay out some starting points for food-for-thought, and then attempt to explore this harmony we all eventually find true to our core. I encourage you to continue your own deep dive, as I am certainly no expert, and this is merely a gateway to the map.

The rabbit hole of 432 Hz runs deep, and it starts with music. Originally, the standard tuning for music recording was set at 432 Hz (in France at least). This was before the “music industry” complex took stride and shifted the standard to 440Hz in the 1930s and 1940s.

It was a shift away from “a more natural sound.”

That number is no accident. It stems from a long lineage of classical pieces, like most of Mozart’s catalog. If we go even further back, and peer at…

