The Writer’s Pride.

Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

What makes you happy? What makes you lift your shoulders high? What makes you have a sense of respect?

In today’s world, it’s easy to lose track of your pride as one who gathers letters, forms them into words and builds something great of them.

Sometimes, I look at other writers in positions where I’d like to be and I feel down. All of a sudden, my self-esteem is dampened. Like a bar of soap put in flowing water, it diminishes. Slowly but surely.

Sometimes, you forget how well you’re doing just because you’re among better individuals.

Sometimes, we feel less because things don’t seem well.

My friend, always remember it will always take longer.

There is a law that says;

It will always take longer even if you take account of this law.

I’ve forgotten who propounded this law but it sticks.

On this path of ours, let’s not forget how long it took the greats. Just because we’re at this point doesn’t mean we won’t get to that point.

Find ways to encourage yourself. No one can lift your spirit more than you.

Surely, you must have accomplished something. Look back at it and feel proud. Let the pride get into your head this time and next time and every time you feel…




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