True Fact: Having A Day Job Isn’t The Problem- It Is What Comes With It If You Want To Achieve FIRE

Marcus Tan
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2024


A job has many benefits:

  • Stable income
  • Healthcare
  • Pension
  • Work experience
  • Social relationships

If work is fulfilling for you, pays well and gives you purpose and happiness, by all means, “go for it”. No one should stop you because a job provides these benefits and we all need to start working, especially when starting early in our career.

This article specifically focuses on when you are at that stage in your life where you have worked a few years, and your goal is to “achieve FIRE- financial independence retire early.”

You understand that work is satisfying, but you want to do something more that aligns with your personal goals. It could be starting a cafe, being a freelancer, being a baker or running your laundromat business. Ultimately do what works best for you.

This article helps explore the “push” and “pull” factors for achieving FIRE early on so that you can chase your dreams

#Truth 1: Emotional anxiety



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