Simple guide to finding your passion

Learn Daily with Shuen
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2019

Something only you love is just a hobby, it must be something that other people want too so that you can make money out of it. So you can’t just blindly follow the advice ‘follow your passion and money will come’, you also have to make sure the thing that you love doing actually has no market. For example, you enjoy playing darts but you are fully aware that you will never reach the competition level, or if there is no market for it, you may not make a lot of money out of this passion (more accurately, hobby)

Instead, write down everything you passionate about and enjoy doing, and evaluate what industries actually have good demand from the skillset you possess, then decide which of your passion has a potential market to sell to (intersection of passion and market)

Answer these questions to help you discover your passion

  • What makes you lose track of time?
  • What activities in your life do you spend money willingly to participate in? It means you care enough to invest money in it.
  • What area in your life you fear judgement? You are afraid to share with other people, means you care about it and you don’t want to be judge so you work hard to get excellent in it.
  • What makes you heart race and excites you?
  • What thing that you can do without distraction? You just got attracted or even addicted to it and could do it all day long.
  • What would you do non stop even if you don’t get paid for it?
  • What is your biggest pain that you don’t want other human beings to ever experience that? You care about that pain so much that you want to go out of your way to help people to avoid that.
  • What energized you? It’s the feeling of being energized. What do you do in a day that energized you?
  • Just keep trying stuff. Try a lot of things and find the one thing that you really want to be a world class at. You want to be the world number one at that thing.
  • The thing that you’re really good at.
  • If you took money off the table, if you didn’t give a shit to what anybody else thought, what’s the thing you would love to be doing with your life?
  • What do you find yourself sort of envious of? Like you look at their life, and you just think ‘Gosh, how awesome that they get to do that?’

What’s next?

  • Once you have the answer for the above questions, all you have to do is explore them one by one.
  • Just find one thing that you can do to enrich and expand your knowledge about that particular interest. For example, find one online course, Google the topic, ask for advice from people who are pursuing this line of work.
  • Lastly, find that one thing that you can start off with, just a simple one.
  • Give yourself a time frame (say, 3 months for each interest). If after 3 months you do not find yourself truly loving it, move on to the next one and just keep repeating it until you found something you truly love and enjoy.



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