Why Habit-Tracking Is Such an Impactful Tool

Tracking habits gives us the bigger picture

Angela M Ward


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

The topic of habits fascinates me, especially when I read more about the neuroscience and psychology behind them. While there are many self-help books on habits and how to make or break them, I’ve found that tracking habits has been one of the most useful tools.

If you’ve built up a solid habit, you can do it without much thought, but if you’re in the beginning stages of changing or creating habits, habit-tracking is invaluable. However, I’ve come to use my habit-tracking as an everyday tool.

Checking off a list provides us with a boost of dopamine, measuring our progress while giving us a sense of accomplishment. In the past, I could journal and plan as much as I wanted to when it came to eliminating old habits or creating new ones — and while these practices are useful — they didn’t always help with the execution of changing or creating habits. They’re only the starting point before we get into the work of habit formation. Here are the most valuable lessons I’ve learned when it comes to tracking habits.

Tracking Habits in Written Form Makes Them More Tangible

If the healthy habits we want to implement are only vague ideas in our head, they don’t seem as…



Angela M Ward

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.