Why Is Self-Love Not Taught to Us by Bela Sharma — a book review

Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2024

An Insightful Read about Self Development.

Book Title — Why is self — love not taught to us

Author — Bela Sharma

No. of pages — 172

Amazon book link https://www.amazon.in/WHY-SELF-LOVE-NOT-TAUGHT-YOURSELF-ebook/dp/B0CV85659Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HT4MX9T29NSS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yl8HEEsLgjwtRdPgrfHCuw.1jvXZQ_gltwcv0ro9LqlxWjEiRG9_fxpbuSFDU9jC5c&dib_tag=se&keywords=why+is+self+love+not+taught+to+us&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1709721115&sprefix=why+is+sel%2Caps%2C318&sr=8-1

Book Review —

Why is self — love not taught to us by Bela Sharma is a significant book delving into the tapestry of Self development. The book is divided into 11 Thought provoking chapters Delivering some Impactful lessons to adopt in your lives to welcome self growth and unveil your true potential.

The author’s deep understanding of human psychology makes this book a perfectly balanced guide that helps readers in nurturing a positive behaviour and embracing all the little moments of life.

Beginning from the Intellective introduction of self love, This book further takes us on a healing journey of accepting ourselves and focusing on our Personal development through the useful techniques of self care and self reflection.

Lessons like — Self- reflection, Self — compassion, Mindfulness and meditation and Practice Gratitude provides you with an Impactful message of believing in your real identity and to look inwards for crafting the best version of yourselves. Sharma’s professional experience and her profound research helps you in connecting with the enriching contents of the book, Making it a valuable read.

Conclusion -

Overall, Woven with a touch of Kindness, Thoughtfulness and Knowledge, This well crafted book presents you with a way of exploring the depths of your inner self and to develop the nature of empathy and compassion towards everyone. The Practical Techniques and Neatly designed concepts included in the book adds a supportive layer of Information that aids readers in building the life of contentment. The Author encourages readers to spend time with themselves and romanticise their lives which will certainly prove out to be an invaluable idea for moving forward in an ever growing Joyful journey of life.

In conclusion, It’s a must read for all those individuals who are willing to nurture their real selves by adopting the expression of self love in their lives.

Rating — 5/5




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