It’s all in your head

November Walking Challenge Update — It’s Getting Tough

I can’t walk anymore, but I have to. It’s a challenge!

Smillew Rahcuef
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2023


A young girl looking tired.
Me, tired — by Henrikke Due on Unsplash

I’m so tired. Twenty days ago, I told my wife I would be walking 20,000 steps daily on average during November, and she was impressed.

“Wow! That’s a lot.” She said, looking like Owen Wilson in the wow meme.

Of course, I replied it was nothing for a strong man like me.

“Easy-peasy, honey. I could walk twice more if I wanted.”

Then I called my best friend and told him about the challenge. He laughed and replied it was nothing. “My grandmother is 72 and walks 23,000 steps on average.”

Thanks for the support.

Well, it’s November 20 at the time of writing, and I have 22,000 daily average steps so far.

I’m sooooo tired. You wouldn’t believe it.

I’m not doing anything but walking and running — mostly walking. I can’t do my usual workout routine of pushups, pullups, squats, or anything else. I don’t have the energy. I can barely stretch before going to bed.

You might wonder why I’m walking so much. It’s because of a stupid, albeit potentially lucrative, challenge I saw on X…



Smillew Rahcuef

One day I will stop writing on Medium. Read my stories while you can.