How Many Subscribers Does Someone Have On OnlyFans?

How To Find out how many subscribers someone has on OnlyFans? We have shared ways to find out the subscribers or followers of an OnlyFans creator.

Fans Answers
3 min readSep 10, 2022
How many subscribers does someone have on OnlyFans?
How many subscribers does someone have on OnlyFans?

Most fans frequently want to discover how many subscribers a creator has. You’ll discover that we often think that if the creator has a strong following, then it might be a wise pick, and ultimately we follow similar accounts that others follow. But in most cases, things don’t work out that way. It doesn’t imply that you will share their tastes because you can have different interests.

How many subscribers does someone have on OnlyFans?

Well, this entirely depends on which account you’re searching for. Many celeb accounts have a huge fan following, meaning they have a high number of subscribers.

Follow the steps below to find out someone’s OnlyFans subscription count:

  • Log into your account by going to
  • Find the OnlyFans user whose subscriber count you are interested in finding.
  • Visit the user profile and look for icons (letters) beneath the OnlyFans user’s name in the upper left corner.
  • The number indicates the subscriber count for the OnlyFans account before the icon.

The steps mentioned above and the fan count help determine an Onlyfans creator's success. The number of images, videos, and likes on the creator’s page are among these measures. The best part is that they can all be seen next to the number of fans. They can also be hidden, just like the number of fans.

Can you view a user’s OnlyFans subscription count?

On OnlyFans, you can see how many subscribers most users have. Some Onlyfans creators do, however, occasionally disable the followers count on their profile. Even after following the user’s account, you won’t be able to see how many subscribers they have in this situation.

The OnlyFans creator also has a choice to show their total number of likes (a like on OnlyFans is counted whenever someone who subscribed to your OnlyFans page like your videos or pictures)

Three stages of privacy on OnlyFans

There are approximately three levels of privacy options available to all OnlyFans creators that give them total control over their account:

  • The first level allows content creators to limit their work's geographic scope.
  • The second privacy setting gives creators complete control over their page's visibility to potential fans.
  • The third level is what allows OnlyFans creators to remain 100 percent private.

All creators who don’t like the idea of publicizing their subscriber account have the choice to turn off the subscriber count on OnlyFans. Use Fansmetrics to find your favorite OnlyFans content creators. Look for a list of different categories in which free content creators and subscribers giving free trials can be found.

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