Welcome to betterPT Engineering

A software development team in the digital health space

Damian Esteban
BetterPT engineering
1 min readSep 18, 2017


A strong team can take any crazy vision an turn it into reality.

- John Carmack

Hello World! Over the last 12 months betterPT has created a rockstar engineering team that has faced unique challenges and developed innovative solutions in the digital healthcare space. As the CTO of betterPT I am proud of what our team has accomplished and look forward to being part of a positive impact on digital health. Expect some great content coming soon.

Software development, but better.



Damian Esteban
BetterPT engineering

CTO @ BHC. Solutions Architect, iOS / JavaScript developer in NYC. Avid Unix user, all-around geek. Proud of it. http://blog.damianesteban.dev