How to Make Your Software Testing More Efficient

Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2021
Software Testing QA

Software testing is the backbone of developing a high-quality application or a program. A software testing QA using the automation testing tools is not concrete evidence that the software is bug-free. It is essential to streamline the software testing process and perform the testing in the right way. If you plan to make your software testing more efficient, here are few suggestions to improve your software testing process and make testing more efficient.

Intelligent placement of results

One of the best ways to make software testing more efficient is by keeping the testing records at one spot. This will enable the quality assurance team to quickly look for the results whenever they want to access certain documents. It is usually considered not a good idea to use emails for bug reports.

Identify the scope of testing

While testing software with a testing tool, a software testing QA can break the application into smaller modules that will make it easier to identify testing scope. Make sure the test cases to be written in a single module and further the modules to be split into smaller logical parts.

Create test plans

Creating a test plan is one of the most vital things on which overall software testing efficiency depends. Creating a test plan makes sure it is written by a QA lead or a person with experience, as this will make tracking the project’s progress easier for everyone. A test plan should have everything related to the product testing, budget constraints, timelines, risk assessment, test modules, and implementation schedules.

The testing team should own the test environment

For making testing more efficient, it is crucial to make development and manufacturing environments identical replicas. A developer running the script when building, if fails to add the script to the configuration file, might result in a failed application in development. However, if the testing team owns the test environment, incidents like these can be easily tackled.

Understanding the app or product

For a tester, it is important to fully understand the product or app specification, resulting in detailed and robust test coverage. Talk to developers to understand the product or app even if not interested in the growth stage, engaging in decision-making and procedure is a good idea.

Write a good bug report

Writing a good bug report is the most crucial for making software testing more efficient. A software testing QA should write a test report that is straightforward, informative, and well-written. QA tester work is both imaginative and demanding. A tester should adapt to the changing scenarios. A well-written bug report will help you save time and money in the long run.

Go beyond the testing specifications

A good quality assurance professional should always go beyond the testing specifications and check the app or the program for something it wasn’t designed to perform.

Final words

A QA tester must share their findings and best testing methods with others to improve the team’s overall testing efficiency. You can also hire top automation testing firms for testing your program or app to complete the project under budget and within time.



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