The best hack to getting more views, reads, claps and followers on Medium.

2 min readMar 21, 2018


We are all striving to become famous writers on Medium and are doing everything we can to promote our work.

We have all tried any number of the following:

  • Send our articles to friend and families and asked for claps.
  • Encourage claps via a banner or Gif or simple CTA at the buttom of our posts.
  • Submitted our posts to Stumbleupon, hoping it will catch on there.
  • Tried to understand Reddit to post out blog posts there, hoping for a viral sensation.
  • Send our articles to influencers hoping they would share our stuff.
  • Send our articles to authors or famous people we quote or mention in our articles, hoping that a mere mention is enough for someone to do us a favour.
  • Shared it all over Social media several times.
  • Used paid ads tools like to spread your blog post to people who share similar content.
  • Prayed to the almighty and hoped for the best.

But it seems however much we do this, it just doesn´t seem to work. Sure, one article get´s a few more views, reads and claps than the other, but then the next only gets a few again.

This is because not many people are aware of the number 1 best Hack to gaining Medium fame.

Most people haven´t even thought of this.

I know it. And I am going to let you in on it. But only because I like you (if you “clap” on this article and follow me, of course).

The very best trick you can do to gain Medium fame is:….

Putting in the work. Keep writing articles. Keep getting better. The more you write, the better you get, the better you get, the more engagement your stuff will have. If you want some of your stuff to go viral, make sure it is viral worthy.

If your stuff is truly good enough, it WILL go viral. If it is not, it won´t. Simple as that. And yes, doing all the above steps WILL boost an articles views, but it still won´t make it go viral, meaning that the engagement will die as quickly as it came.

There really is no way around it. The only way to get featured in great publications and go viral, is by writing better content. In order for you to write better content you need to write. And write more. And then some more.


If you like what you read, you can support me by being generous with “claps” below, following me if you want to read future stuff and sharing this article with anyone you think could benefit from reading it.

Thank you for the help!

Christian Sørensen




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