This is what happened every time we started discussing the name of our blog-to be-..

A year comes to an end, a blog comes to life

Tiago Loureiro
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2017


Sitting on a hipster cafe aptly named Kafein, we are at last taking over our procrastination monkeys and starting what we have been discussing for the past weeks.

What are we going to name it? Where will we host it? How are we going to share it with our family, friends and the millions of followers worldwide? The list is long but a new year is dangerously approaching and as the king said: it’s now or never!

So just as a pupil only a few hours before an exam, we answered these questions in record time (after weeks of deliberation that lead nowhere) and are now writing what is the very first story (still getting used to this medium nomenclature mind you).

The first 3 weeks of the journey are coming to an end and we have a fair amount of stories we would like to share so we will work hard(ly) on filling you all in on the first impressions of SE Asia, namely Singapore and Bali!!

Can’t get enough? We committed to post one picture a day to Instagram:

