The Trump Show.

Mattan Yuger
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2020
The best reality show in the world (Image by Emil Lendof/The Daily Beast)

It’s not about politics, forget policy, never mind left or right, it’s about entertainment and Donald Trump was born to play this role. Say what you want about the man, and everyone does, the Trump show is better than anything you’ll find on Netflix, HBO or all the rest combined. Love him or hate him, ratings don’t lie and a good shit show always sells.

Politics used to be mundane until Trump turned the white house into his own high stakes reality show and like so many, we’re hooked and can’t stop binge-watching. The production value, the characters, the plot twists, the tweets, the comedic timing, the real-life drama, and the writing are all second to none. As the rules for this new upside-down world are being written, reality has caught up with fiction in ways even the best Hollywood screenwriters could never imagine.

It might be cynical to discuss it in the context of entertainment or political betting, especially with the kind of emotions this man triggers, but this upcoming election season is just too good to ignore. We’re no pundits, we’re not Americans, we have no vote, no say and no real dog in this fight, just pure spectators who can’t help but appreciate good TV. We love high stakes competition and while we usually get our fix from combat sport, this political cook fighting is even far more brutal and with more dire consequences on the line.

Trump seems to be the pure essence, the symptom, and catalysis for this new social media universe and it’s fascinating to watch, from a healthy distance, just how far the pendulum has swung in American culture. On one side, a president who enjoys the outrage, breaks every norm possible, turned political discourse into a ‘comedy central roast’ show, constantly tweeting his unfiltered stream of consciousness and selling out live shows in rock star fashion. On the other end, an over-correcting PC-cancel culture, armed with social justice warriors who take no prisoners in the midst of one of the most polarizing times in American history.

When they go low, we go lower.

As with the nature of evolution, what might have worked against him in the past is now his biggest asset in this clickbait — 280 character universe we live in. Donald Trump’s impulsiveness, his temper tantrums, and overall childish demeanor, along with his natural grasp for the media and comedic touch, has seemed to crack the code for this new age algorithm. While some might argue, and plenty do, those are not the characteristics fitting for a president, it undeniably makes him a nightmare match-up for anyone to run against.

The democratic primary approaches the final stretch. (Scott Olson/Getty Images).

Across the aisle, the Democratic primary is in its own mad max race as it approaches the final stretch when one lucky winner will have the dubious pleasure of competing against the roast master himself. With former front runner and vice president Biden losing steam, along with promising prospects dropping out and a new billionaire to enter the race, the cards have been reshuffled in the blue side of the map. Out of more than 20 candidates to start off, it’s the self-titled democratic-socialist and Larry David look-alike, Bernie Sanders, who took pole position and is now the betting favorite to face Trump.

Everything is still open, as we head to Super Tuesday, but whoever wins the nomination will have to endure a long, grueling, and ugly campaign against a man who thrives under these conditions. In this political climate, a unifying appeal may no longer be the key but rather who can cultivate a passionate grassroots, almost cult-like, base of followers that can be mobilized on command. Bloomberg's campaign is a fascinating exception and case study, as without a real base of supporters but an astronomical budget, he managed to buy his recognition and assert himself, at least for now, in the race.

Judging by the 2016 elections, and if Bloomberg's recent Trump “Fat Pics” campaign is any indication, we’re in for a real, no holds barred, battle royal finale for the season. If you can put your political views aside for a moment, ignore the fact that it’s real life, with real consequences, and just take a seat in the stands, you’re in for some reality trash TV at its best.

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Mattan Yuger

Content Junkie, Storyteller, Pop culture geek, NFT enthusiast & Hummus lover. @MattanYuger