Document, document, document, DELEGATE!

Free up your time and improve your business by trusting your teams

Artur Guja
Between Data & Risk


Pile of documents on an old desk
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how the best managers free up their time from overseeing their teams to pursue growth in their business; how they stop micromanaging and start leading?

In a recent episode of “Between Data and Risk”, we interviewed Jaime Jay, CEO of Bottleneck Distant Assistants and author of “Quit Repeating Yourself: How Today’s Leaders Are Using Systems and Processes to Grow Their Business the Right Way”. It was a very lively episode, and we discussed many things, but one of them stuck with me particularly strongly, and that was the phrase I used in the title:

“Document, document, document, delegate!”

It was a phrase Jaime used to describe his approach to ensuring that processes in his businesses are clear and well-documented, and owned by the people he employs to put those processes into practice.

As I reviewed the episode, I formed my understanding of these words, which I want to share with you. So, let’s break the phrase down, starting with…


The first step should be fairly self-explanatory: If you expect some series of actions to be carried out more than once, WRITE IT DOWN! The advantages…



Artur Guja
Between Data & Risk

Chief Risk and Strategy Officer, Consultant, Risk And Markets Professional with experience in building and transforming processes and governance