Superman as an Angsty Teen

Tiffany T.
Between The Pages
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2023

Graphic Novel Review: Clark & Lex

Photo by Yogi Purnama on Unsplash

In Clark and Lex, a new graphic novel by Brenden Reichs and Jerry Gaylord, readers get a story that feels like a Smallville episode. Clark Kent is shown as an overconfident teenager who doesn’t really listen to anyone. His father is initially portrayed as mean and frustrated with Clark but it’s soon revealed that it’s simply because Clark is basically a showoff. Clark’s father wants Clark to be safe and stay hidden, not rely on his powers to make it in the world. An opportunity arises and Clark decides to participate in a competition for an internship with the newspaper The Daily Planet. He travels to the city of Metropolis to compete for the internship along with several other young people.

Clark meets Lex Luther, an equally confident teenager with a head full of auburn hair. Lex and Clark travel to a mysterious island for the competition, meeting other kids their age who are also there to compete. Things get strange when Clark realizes that his powers don’t work well on the island and competing against Lex is hard since Lex takes everything as a personal insult.

When other competitors start to go missing Clark must decide on if he will save himself and escape, or help the others get off the island.

Clark and Lex is an interesting take on the classic Superman story. While the story starts off with two friendly competitors joking around, Lex’s tantrums reveal a deeply insecure and wounded person. One theme remains the same, Lex’s need to be accepted by his father and Clark’s success on a few of the challenges causing him to doubt his own capabilities.

Clark on the other hand needs to learn patience and to think situations through before being impulsive. The common theme of needing to save anyone near him who needs it is prevalent in this story, although Clark finds himself in trouble more often than not. With themes like family and teamwork, Clark and Lex is an entertaining graphic novel from DC Comics!

Genre — Children’s Fiction
Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐

