I Don’t Know Who I Am

Poetry Challenge by Tree Langdon : a pantoum

Ludiane de Brocéliande
BeTween You & Me


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I am outlined by my choices, my encounters, my triumphs, my failures
My identity is not fixed, it is fluid, adapting over time
I am a work in progress, a mystery to be discovered
In this endless quest lies the beauty of existence

My identity is not fixed, it is fluid, adapting over time
Every day brings new opportunities to learn, grow and reinvent yourself
In this endless quest lies the beauty of existence
I embrace the unknown, ready to be surprised by life’s unexpected twists and turns.

Every day brings new opportunities to learn, grow and reinvent yourself
I am open to the endless possibilities available to me
I embrace the unknown, ready to be surprised by life’s unexpected twists and turns.
Every experience, good or bad, shapes and enriches me.

I am open to the endless possibilities available to me
I am a work in progress, a mystery to be discovered
Every experience, good or bad, shapes and enriches me.
I am outlined by my choices, my encounters, my triumphs, my failures.



Ludiane de Brocéliande
BeTween You & Me

Owner of : https://medium.com/between-you-me. Francophone by birth. I write about animals, life, death, love, humor in prose and poetry.