Animation Fundamentals

Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2017

This animated TV ad manages to exemplify some of the fundamentals of animation. The animations are very smooth in transitions and the movement is very smooth. The most obvious fundamentals that are shown are exaggeration, ovelapping action, and anticipation.


The frog shown jumping shows an example of exaggeration. We all know that frogs are not large and that they do not put out much force to there surroundings when jumping. However, in this scene when the frog jumps it causes a massive ripple effect that turns into a giant wave. This is an example of exaggeration to make the animation more visually appealing to the viewer.

Overlapping Action

When the fish emerges from the water it jumps up. As it begins to fall down we can see that the fish’s tail is still in motion even after the fish has lost momentum from the jump. As a result of this the fish’s tail is still in motion while the fish heads back into the water. Due to the fact that the tails is the last part of the fish to go up it means that it will be the last part to lose motion. This allows for the motion of the fish to remain smooth.


Here we can see an example of anticipation. We can see that the bird is sitting and then it turns its head and ducks down and bends its legs. This motion lets the viewer know that the bird sis getting ready to do something. In the next picture we see that the bird is getting ready to take flight. This is an example of anticipation that this animated commercial uses. Overall the animation creates multiple fundamentals of animation to create a smooth and effective piece of work.

