Animation Fundamentals: Mystery Skulls Animated — Ghost

Anastasia Summerson
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2018

This animated music video follows a team of three who stumble upon a haunted house in a Scooby-Doo-esque fashion. While I wouldn’t say that this is a prime example of animation, there are several fundamentals implemented which causes the video to be engaging and interesting to watch.

Follow Through

During the duration of the song there is a constant beat that is present. The characters the viewer follows appear to also hear this beat and bob their heads in time with it. The human’s hair and the dog’s collar move after the head movements, almost like a wave, giving them weight and making the motion more realistic.

Antici — — — pation

Every action in this character’s form is building anticipation. The clenched hands shaking in anger, the twisted expression, and how his fiery hair glows and ignites. The viewer knows there will be an explosion of energy before it even happens.


The fear is evident for “Mr. Orange”. From the beginning of the video it is apparent that he is worried about the situation that he and his gang are walking into. However, as the story progresses, his expressions become more and more exaggerated, making his emotions easier and easier to read.

