Animation Fundamentals Rock Paper Scissors.

Vincent Sica
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2017

I absolutely loved this Commercial… Although by the end of it you realize that it actually has nothing to do with Android. but the concept and design was so charming that it still leaves the viewer satisfied and open to manipulation. we start with this scene

with a school bell ringing in the background… So far, all we can really tell is that this is a school mostly populated by living scissors and a paper like protagonist yet to really be introduced. The staging is recognizable while still remaining a bit mysterious. a few seconds later we see the protagonists face.

and with an adequate amount of exaggeration and staging a feeling of concern and fear are conveyed in the expression and we now know can gather more information about who this character is, where he is, and why he feels the way he does. its because he is a piece of paper in a seemingly all scissor school…

as he walks past the scissor people

he notices other paper like him

and instantly feels relieved.

notice the staging in these shots as the paper is the main focal point and the surrounding unimportant information is blurred out enough so that the focus isn’t lost. we anticipate that he has found his click, and everything is going to be fine now. However….

we soon find out that…

that this…

is not the case

here we have a great representation of overlapping and secondary action as his arms are swaying up and down as he is being shaken of his lunch paperclips

we then come to see and very mean and scary looking pair of scissors who seems to want in on this bullying and the protagonist looks even more scared.

but he unexpectedly turns out to be an alley. later we see these two new friends walking home and they happen upon a scene of a rock being bullied by other rocks.

and then the paper protagonist steps in to help.

thats when the whole rock, paper scissors theme sank in and i realized how creative this was… I loved that the rocks were afraid of the paper protagonist, and the scissors was afraid of the rocks and hiding behind the hydrant

because you know rock beats scissors. this animation was very amusing and it incorporates many of the 12 principles of animation. Staging, secondary and overlapping action, and exaggeration were just 3 of the many.

