Entrepreneurship Assignment

Tyler Vaden
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2018

One thing which I learned about entrepreneurship is that many individuals start building their own businesses or a business of some kind while they are young. However, it is never too late to start building your own business. At the event with Russell Fugett he seemed to have many of the traits which one would associate with being an entrepreneur. One of these traits being starting a business at a young age. When Russell was in the first grade he started a business by selling small paper toys to the kids in his class. I remember doing something similar when I was his age selling snacks and other things to my classmates. Selling handmade goods is always a good idea because if it is something that you are good at the item is unique and can not be purchased elsewhere.

Speaking of unique goods, when you have a product which no one else has or that is a better solution than what is already on the market it is important to get a patent. Getting a patent allows you to have security that you can continue to be one of very few improving and selling your product. Some of the things which I picked up from the speaking really had to do with attitude. I find that with many people around my age group feel as if they have to find success as soon as possible including myself. I think that it is important to realize that we have time to try a variety of things some of which will succeed while others will fail. Failure in itself is not a bad thing, in fact it is a learning experience.

As a result of these learning experiences we will continue to improve and find more efficient and successful ways to complete things. Being optimistic is key when it comes to being an entrepreneur because there will always be ups and downs when you are a business owner. The thing that matters is how we handle those ups and downs. It is also important for us to learn from the people around us who have attempted the same path before. Some of Russell’s family members were also entrepreneurs and I am sure that this was a great help. His great grandfather as well as his uncle had prior experience with business and served as a great example for him to follow. While entrepreneurship is about independent business it’s important to get all the help you can get. Teamwork makes the dreamwork and working with others allows you to be exposed to perspectives that you may not have considered before.

As an artist and hopefully future professional animator I will bring this new attitude to the table when it comes to managing my work, making merchandise, and collaborating with others. Avoiding negativity will be better for me as well as those who I work with in the future.

