Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

Josh Budd
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2017

I know that this is just a trailer for an animated film but this absolutely took my breath away when I first saw it. The level of detail that is put into the trailer, from the battle scenes to the fluid water movement with the fish, really goes above and beyond, especially since this entire trailer, and the movie for that matter, was only made by two people!

This still sums up the amount of detail in each scene

Along with crisp special effects and realistic sounds, the piece moves thoroughly through scene to scene, creating an unspoken narrative about the world and the potential wars fought within it. The creative daring in this is through the roof; two individuals came up with the concept art and the story idea and went to work from there, something that normally takes teams of people to do. This is definitely something to watch out for when it comes out.

