Mr. Carefree Butterfly — Animation Assignment 02: Fundamentals Discussion

Tyler Vaden
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

The short animated film “Mr. Carefree Butterfly” by Yohan Tal is a great example of several animation fundamentals from staging to exaggeration. Evidence of these fundamentals can be seen from the beginning of the film. Some of the first fundamentals that can be noticed are ease in, ease out anticipation, and secondary action.

When watching the video on the slowest setting the viewer can notice the way the hand eases into the frame and back out of the frame. Then, we see an example of exaggeration and secondary action through the use of smoke forming into the spoken dialogue. Next, there is anticipation before the main character tosses the cigarette into the ashtray as he moves his hand back before throwing it finishing off with more secondary action as a ring of ash is pushed into the air from the cigarette hitting the ashtray.

exaggerated smoke from the cigarette
ring of ash (Secondary Action)

After the partying, the viewer is shown an image of a dead battery which fades out/eases out of view functioning as a transition to the next scene/morning. When the main character wakes up his face is all distorted to emphasize getting up in the morning with a hangover which is a clear and well-done example of exaggeration which is present a lot through the film.

Battery Dead (Ease Out)
Waking up with a hangover (Exaggeration)
Regular face for comparison

When the main character is shown around the house, he tries to be supportive but when his friend mentions how it will take him thirty years to really own the home the house suddenly seems small. The artist literally shrinks down the room, cramming all the furniture and characters together to get the point across to the viewer what the main character is thinking/feeling.

Exaggeration of the main character’s view of the house

Overall the short film is really interesting to take a look at, the style is unique and the colors are bright and interesting. The way the artist uses exaggeration and timing while paying attention to other things like how objects react to one another makes movements appear to be dynamic, believable, and full of life.

