The Incredibles 2 and the Principles of Animation

Daniel Cortez
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

The Incredibles 2 was a huge hit and its visuals are great examples of the 12 Principles of animation.

Three principles are majorly visible in the official trailer for the film: Squash and Stretch, Staging, and Exaggeration.

Squash and Stretch is clearly represented by the movement of hair in these frames of the animation when Dash speeds back to the dinner table after washing his hands. Its quick squash indicates its lightness and allows the mass to read as hair to viewers.

Exaggeration is represented by this quick transformation from a state of happiness to anger — in a mere three frames a smile has transformed into an intense frown just because Dash was told to wash his hands with soap.

The entire scene represents staging: the close-in of the camera to the dinner table, angled at a level almost parallel to its surface enhances the impression of a busy, energetic dining setting— it’s staging is almost claustrophobic.

