Dream Unicorns & Imaginary Shadows

Why Your Eyes Tell You Lies

Hazel Gale @ betwixt.life
Betwixt: The Story of You


Hallucination is a word that most people associate with drug-use or psychotic disorder. However, the ability to distort and add to the information that we perceive as reality is a standard function of a healthy mind. If we’re to go by the definition above — taken from the Oxford English Dictionary — then we all hallucinate on a moment-to-moment basis.

In this article, we’re going to explore the different ways in which your eyes can tell you lies. Then, we’re going to take a look at how you can start to see past the more limiting illusions.

Image: Hazel Gale

Sleepy fantasies

Let’s ease in with something not-so-shocking. Perhaps the most obvious type of convincing fantasy that we experience is dream imagery.

Take a moment to recall one of your dreams. Looking back, you know that dream environment was not your actual reality. It was a construct of sights, sounds, feelings and other sensations, compiled from a stockpile of memories in your mind. But did that space not seem entirely real while you were “in” it?



Hazel Gale @ betwixt.life
Betwixt: The Story of You

Co-creator of Betwixt, the interactive adventure game that helps you befriend the voice in your head // Author of “The Mind Monster Solution”.