Elitsa DermendzhiyskaCharacter vs Hero vs Author of the story you’re tellingIn psychology, there’s a concept called narrative identity and it relates to the fact that we’re all storytellers. There’s always some…Oct 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeMental health tech is broken. We’re betting on games to fix it.A therapist and a science writer look at the issues with wellness apps and argue for a radical new approach.Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
Elitsa DermendzhiyskaThe Missing Key to Mental HealthWe don’t need more information. It’s imagination that we lack.Jun 29, 20211Jun 29, 20211
Elitsa DermendzhiyskaThe emotion paradoxWhy negative emotions hurt less in the EastJun 29, 2021Jun 29, 2021
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeThe Art of Making SpaceHow to write for emotional meaning, self-empathy and changeJan 28, 201913Jan 28, 201913
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeDream Unicorns & Imaginary ShadowsWhy Your Eyes Tell You LiesAug 25, 20182Aug 25, 20182
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeLife-Lust and the Defeat of LazinessA six-step process for generating true driveAug 11, 20183Aug 11, 20183
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeFragmentsHow to Unearth the Joys of Wonder, Awe and EpiphanyJul 17, 20182Jul 17, 20182
Hazel Gale @ betwixt.lifeRupturesOn death, longing and little glimpses of moreJun 29, 20182Jun 29, 20182