Introducing ready to use MQTTRoute Plugin

DSM Ranjith Kumar
Bevywise Networks Inc
2 min readJan 10, 2018
MQTTRoute plugin for Elastic Search & Mongodb

A few weeks back we rolled out an update that provides and option to store MQTTPayload into ElasticSearch. This update also had options to enable customization to send data received from the different edge devices to various storage engines or your own application. Today we want to make the MQTTRoute more ready to use for our customers. Yes we are rolling out ready to use MQTTRoute plugin for MongoDB & ElasticSearch.

These plugins can store data of plain text message and one level of JSON data into the document store. The JSON string will be federated and stored as a flat key value pair into the document store. The flatter storage will help you draw powerful charts and user friendly graphs in the way you need.

The way of data storage is completely dependent on the way data is generated from the client. So we have provided these plugins under an open Apache license, so that you can customise the MQTTRoute plugin as required for the data.

MQTTRoute Plugin for MongoDB

Mongodb is one of the most widely used Document Storage engine for IOT data analysis. This plugin can be enabled in MQTT Broker and configured to write data into the Mongodb. If you are receiving a complex JSON data from the edge devices, you can customize the code to alter the data for storage.

Download the MQTTRoute — Mongodb — Connector Now

MQTTRoute Plugin for ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is a very powerful search engine. We use ElasticSearch for our IOT Platform and our hosted Device Manager. We also provide a default integration with Elastic in MQTTRoute. We are also publishing the code for the customers to make changes as needed for their data format.

Download the MQTTRoute — ElasticSearch — Connector Now

MQTTRoute is needed for using these plugins. Try the FREE version of the MQTT Broker now

Download MQTTRoute

We would be happy to help you with storing complex data if needed. We are also working on connectors for AWS Lamda, GE Predix, Apache Hive and more. Do write to support for any assistance or feedback

Originally published at on January 10, 2018.

