Greeks Bearing Gifts Want to Read Your Stories (Aug 29 Update)
They can be in English, Greek or both — GBG could also use a couple of editors
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Greeks Bearing Gifts is the second Greek-English bilingual publication of Medium after Chrysa’s Catharsis Chronicles. I would like to stress that the Greek section is an experiment, and like all experiments it might not deliver.
I’m also open to accusations I stole the idea from Chrysa, which is 100% true. Although I’ve published some dual Greek-English stories in the past it was Chrysa and Mary, the fellow Greek editor of Catharsis, who gave me the idea to try this on a pub level.
With that out of the way — in fiction they call this lampshading, but it works on non-fiction too — I’ll explain what my goals are for this pub.
First of all it is and will remain a work-in-progress. I learned from my first two small pubs you cannot run a pub on your own. So until I ensnare at least one more editor, with bribes, my dubious charms or wit, this pub will remain an experiment as a whole.