Introducing our new Token Name

The ticker voting is over and we have a winner!!

Bexam News
2 min readFeb 19, 2019


Recently, there has been a lot of confusion in our telegram community about our token being already traded on some other exchanges. We learned that another project was using BXA and had beat us to launch. So we decided to let go of BXA as our token ticker (read the announcement here).

As for the new one, we asked you guys to help us decide what the token ticker for our project should be.

We created polls on our social media and in our newsletter and asked the community in telegram and on bitcointalk. From that, we got a lot of great feedback!

There were several choices available and we conducted the poll in two stages as many of you guys wanted $BEXAM to be added to the choices.

And in the end, you guys were right!! It was tight, but $BEXAM was the winner and will be our new token ticker!

We will now begin the process of slowly changing the token ticker from $BXA to $BEXAM in all the different ICO listings, our website, and material.

Here are the results from the twitter poll:

The first round, but you guys wanted $BEXAM!
The second round of the voting, a tight race!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated as it is always a pleasure to interact with our community. It was also the perfect opportunity for us to get you guys involved with the decisionmaking that leaves a mark on our project.

We plan on announcing some more major changes that have been ongoing internally in the near future! Although there are some small details that need finalizing, we are pleased to say that there is a lot to look forward to this year as we work hard to forge our path to success!

So, stay tuned!

About Us:

Empowering businesses with innovative blockchain solutions.

Bexam strives to integrate real blockchain/DAG solutions to support businesses everywhere. We aim to address the current shortfalls in decentralized platforms by reconciling the advantages of both blockchain and DAG systems. By introducing the reality of blockchain to the enterprise sphere, we hope to inspire its potential further into everyday life.

With up to 40 million transactions per second and a block generation time of 0.2sec/block, the Bexam platform doesn’t just make enterprise blockchain a reality, but a necessity in business excellence.

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Bexam News

Bexam, the next generation blockchain/DAG hybrid platform. Empowering businesses with innovative blockchain solutions through the new consensus algorithm GLS!