Meet our new CRO!

Bexam News
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2018

Dean Morris is a seasoned risk officer and we’re thrilled to welcome him to the BEXAM team as our new Chief Risk Officer. We sat down with Dean to get a little insight into his background and to get to know him a little better.

Dean Morris is originally from Australia, specifically Outback New South Wales. He earned his Economics degree from the University of Technology, Sydney and has worked in commodities for over 20 years. He’s worked for big names across the world: he’s been the global CRO of Fortune 500 commodity companies and moved around the world to locales like Sydney, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Currently located in London, Dean became an original founder of a commodity trading company and helped it grow from a small team to a massive trading with annual revenues exceeding $9 billion USD.

Now our Chief Risk Officer, Dean will help BEXAM achieve global success in our efforts to bring blockchain to businesses and people everywhere.

Why did you decided to join BEXAM?

When I heard about BEXAM through Yuki (BEXAM COO), I thought it was a really exciting project. The technology is incredibly interesting and I can see a lot of potential applications for it. Having a commodity background, I know there are a lot of big commodity companies starting to explore the ways and means of using blockchain. So to having the opportunity come up, I was really excited to a part of it. we’re looking for more ways are starting to explore

What are some values that drive you?

The key thing I am focused on is fairness. And giving people the opportunity to develop. In my last couple of roles, it was nice to hire people and see them grow in their position.

Who is someone you admire?

I’m gonna throw a curveball and say Angela Merkel, the current chancellor of Germany. I think she’s done an amazing job in a really tough situation. I think she’s got the right balance of trying to be fair and social, and doing the right thing and taking on some difficult things going on in Europe.

What is a typical day for you?

To be honest, I don’t really have a typical day. I have three kids, so my days are usually pretty noisy and busy. And then I am usually getting to work. I try to balance everything out with the gym and running, so I’m able to get out of the office and clear my head.

Do you have any special talents people don’t know about?

Most people, when they find out I’m in commodities and an accountant, assume I’m pretty conservative. But I actually quite like some extreme sports like paragliding, which is something not a lot of people do.

What did you want to be when you were young?

I wanted to be a pilot. I think when you grow up in Outback Australia, the opportunity to get on a plane go somewhere more interesting has a lot of appeal.

What is a goal you want to accomplish within the next year?

I’d like to learn a bit more German. My better half is German, and my kids speak German, so I figured it’s time I actually work out what they’re saying about me.

What are you happiest doing when you’re not at work?

I really love being outdoors, so whether I’m kitesurfing or paragliding. I’m most enjoying sailing recently, or watersports at the moment.

What are some causes you care about?

I think given I love water and being outdoors, environmental causes are pretty close to me. Definitely the key one. Which ties in really well with BEXAM’s altruistic efforts.

Favorite quote?

I don’t have a favorite quote off the top of my head, but I have a favorite book: Atlas Shrugged [by Ayn Rand].

Last but not least: dogs or cats?

Definitely dogs. 🐶

