Advanced Techniques for API Testing with Pytest

Murat Feyzioğlu
Beyn Technology
Published in
8 min readMar 1, 2023

API testing is a critical aspect of software development and plays an essential role in ensuring the reliability and stability of web applications. Pytest is one of the most popular testing frameworks in the Python community and is widely used for API testing. In this article, we will discuss some advanced techniques for API testing with Pytest.


Pytest provides a powerful feature called parameterization that allows you to run the same test with different inputs. This is particularly useful when testing APIs that require different input parameters. To use parameterization in Pytest, you can use the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator. For example, consider the following test function that tests a GET request with different query parameters:

import pytest
import requests

@pytest.mark.parametrize("param1, param2", [("value1", "value2"), ("value3", "value4")])
def test_api_call_with_different_params(param1, param2):
url = ""
params = {"param1": param1, "param2": param2}
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
assert response.status_code == 200

Why do we use parameterization?

It is a technique used in testing to run the same test with different inputs or parameters. There are several reasons why parameterization is useful in testing:

  1. DRY principle: It helps you follow the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle. Instead of duplicating the same test code with different inputs, you can create a single test function that accepts multiple inputs.
  2. Code readability: It can improve code readability by allowing you to define test cases clearly and concisely. You can use descriptive names for the parameters and test cases, which makes it easier to understand what the test is doing.
  3. Code maintainability: It makes it easier to maintain test code. If you need to add or modify test cases, you only need to modify the parameter values, not the test code itself.
  4. Test coverage: It can help you increase test coverage by allowing you to test a function with a wide range of inputs. This helps you catch edge cases and ensures that your function works correctly in all scenarios.

Overall, it is a powerful technique that can help you write more efficient, maintainable, and expressive tests. By using parameterized tests, you can thoroughly test your code and catch more bugs while reducing the amount of test code you need to write and maintain.


Fixtures are reusable functions that can set up test data or environments for your test cases. Pytest allows you to define fixtures with the @pytest.fixture decorator. Fixtures can be used to set up authentication, database connections, or mock objects. Here’s an example of a fixture that sets up a session with an authenticated API:

import pytest
import requests

def api_session():
url = ""
data = {"username": "myuser", "password": "mypassword"}
response =, data=data)
assert response.status_code == 200
session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update({"Authorization": f"Bearer {response.json()['access_token']}"})
yield session

You can then use the fixture in your test functions by passing it as an argument. For example:

def test_api_call_with_authenticated_session(api_session):
url = ""
response = api_session.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200

Why do we use fixtures?

Fixtures are a powerful feature in Pytest that allow you to define reusable objects and code that can be used in multiple tests. There are several reasons why fixtures are useful in testing:

  1. DRY principle: Fixtures help you follow the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle. Instead of duplicating the same setup code in multiple tests, you can define a fixture that encapsulates the setup code and reuse it across multiple tests.
  2. Code readability: Fixtures can improve code readability by allowing you to separate the setup code from the test code. This makes it easier to understand what the test is doing and how it is being set up.
  3. Code maintainability: Fixtures make it easier to maintain test code. If you need to change the setup code, you only need to modify the fixture code, not the test code itself.
  4. Test isolation: Fixtures can help you isolate tests by ensuring that each test runs in a clean and consistent environment. This can help you avoid side effects and ensure that each test is independent of the others.
  5. Test performance: Fixtures can improve test performance by allowing you to reuse expensive resources across multiple tests. For example, you can use a fixture to set up a database connection and reuse it across multiple tests, rather than setting up a new connection for each test.

Overall, fixtures are a powerful tool for improving the efficiency, maintainability, and readability of your tests. By using fixtures, you can avoid code duplication, improve test isolation, and reduce the amount of setup code you need to write and maintain. This makes it easier to write and maintain high-quality tests that catch bugs and ensure the reliability and stability of your code.

Custom assertions

Pytest allows you to write custom assertion functions that can make your tests more expressive and easier to read. Custom assertions can encapsulate complex logic or calculations that are required to check the correctness of an API response. For example:

import pytest
import requests

def assert_status_code(response, expected_code):
assert response.status_code == expected_code, f"Expected {expected_code}, but got {response.status_code}"

def test_api_call_with_custom_assertion():
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
assert_status_code(response, 200)
  1. Improved readability: Custom assertions can improve the readability of your code by allowing you to use more descriptive and intuitive assertions. For example, you can define an assertion function called assert_status_code that checks the status code of an API response, rather than using the built-in assert function with a complex expression.
  2. Reusability: Custom assertions can be reused across multiple tests and even across multiple projects. This can help you avoid duplicating assertion code and improve the maintainability of your tests.
  3. Reduced test code: Custom assertions can help you reduce the amount of test code you need to write by encapsulating complex or repetitive assertion logic into a single function. This can make your tests easier to read, write, and maintain.
  4. Improved error reporting: Custom assertions can help you improve the error reporting of your tests by providing more detailed and informative error messages. This can help you diagnose and fix problems more quickly and efficiently.

To define a custom assertion function in Pytest, you can use the assert statement and raise an AssertionError if the condition is not met. For example, here is a custom assertion function that checks the length of a list:

def assert_list_length(list_to_check, expected_length):
assert len(list_to_check) == expected_length, f"List length was {len(list_to_check)}, expected {expected_length}"

You can then use this function in your tests like any other assertion function:

def test_my_list():
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
assert_list_length(my_list, 4)

Overall, custom assertions are a powerful tool for improving the readability, reusability, and maintainability of your tests. By using custom assertions, you can write tests that are more expressive, efficient, and informative, and catch more bugs in your code.

Using Plugins

Pytest provides a large ecosystem of plugins that can extend the functionality of the framework. There are many plugins available for API testing, such as pytest-bdd, which allows you to write API tests in a behavior-driven development (BDD) style, and pytest-httpx, which provides a faster and more efficient HTTP client than the standard requests library. To use a plugin, you can install it using pip and then add it to your pytest configuration file.

Plugins are a fundamental part of the Pytest ecosystem, and they play a significant role in extending the functionality of the framework. Pytest provides a large number of plugins that can help you to write more efficient, maintainable, and expressive tests. In this article, we will dive deep into using plugins with Pytest.

Installing plugins: Pytest plugins can be installed via pip, just like any other Python package. For example, to install the pytest-html plugin, you can run:

pip install pytest-html

This will install the pytest-html package and make it available to your Pytest tests. Some plugins may have additional requirements or dependencies, so be sure to check the plugin's documentation for installation instructions.

Activating plugins: Once you’ve installed a plugin, you need to activate it for your Pytest tests. You can activate plugins in several ways:

  • Command-line options: Pytest provides several command-line options that allow you to activate plugins. For example, to activate the pytest-html plugin and generate an HTML report of your test results, you can run:
pytest --html=report.html

This will activate the pytest-html plugin and instruct it to generate an HTML report of your test results.

  • Configuration files: Pytest also allows you to configure plugins in a configuration file. You can create a file named pytest.ini in the root directory of your project and add a pytest_plugins section. For example, to activate the pytest-html plugin, you can add the following to your pytest.ini file:
addopts = --html=report.html

This will activate the pytest-html plugin and instruct it to generate an HTML report of your test results.

  • Decorators: Some plugins can be activated by applying a decorator to a test function or fixture. For example, the pytest.mark.xfail decorator can be used to mark a test as expected to fail. To use this decorator, you can add the following to your test function:
import pytest
def test_something():
assert False

This will activate the pytest.mark.xfail plugin and mark the test as expected to fail.

In conclusion, Pytest provides many advanced features for API testing that can help you write more maintainable, expressive, and efficient tests. Parameterization, fixtures, custom assertions, and plugins are just a few examples of how Pytest can be used to create powerful and flexible test suites for your APIs.

Why do we need to use the advantages techniques?

The techniques for API testing with Pytest can be used to improve the quality and reliability of your tests. These techniques can help you test your API more thoroughly, catch more bugs, and ensure that your API works correctly in all scenarios.

Here are some reasons why you might want to use advanced techniques for API testing with Pytest:

Test Coverage

Advanced techniques can help you increase test coverage by allowing you to test your API with a wide range of inputs and scenarios. This can help you catch edge cases and ensure that your API works correctly in all scenarios.

Test Efficiency

Advanced techniques can help you write more efficient tests by allowing you to reuse code and resources across multiple tests. For example, you can use fixtures to set up a database connection and reuse it across multiple tests, rather than setting up a new connection for each test.

Test Organization

Advanced techniques can help you organize your tests in a way that makes it easier to read and maintain your code. For example, you can use markers to group your tests by functionality or importance.

Test Data Management

Advanced techniques can help you manage test data more efficiently. For example, you can use data factories to generate test data or mock objects to simulate external dependencies.

Test Reporting

Advanced techniques can help you generate more informative test reports that make it easier to understand the results of your tests. For example, you can use plugins to generate HTML reports or export test results to other formats.

The advanced techniques for API testing with Pytest can help you write better tests that are more thorough, efficient, and maintainable. By using these techniques, you can catch more bugs, improve the reliability of your API, and ensure that your code meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

