Queen Bey making the Illuminati’s iconic “Pyramid” hand signal.

Beyoncé’s Ties With The Illuminati

Madison Lemone
Beyoncé: Lit and Lemonade


Although sometimes regarded as a joke, the Illuminati has kept close ties with all alleged members, including Beyoncé. Ever since the day Queen Bey rose seemingly from out of nowhere from Destiny’s Child, rumors of her affairs with the eye have circled. Looking at Lemonade and this R&B sensation’s performances, speculations seem even clearer that she is associated with this cult.

Beyoncé wearing the headdress of the Illuminati goddess, Semiramis.

The Order of the Illuminati can be traced back to 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. Originally five men, the secret society wanted to enlighten people by isolating themselves from the government and the church. Members could be found worshiping Satanic paganism and calling demons to come back and rule the Earth. From the initial start in the Enlightenment Era, the Illuminati had grown in size and through word of mouth. As secret societies were illegal, the group had to publicly disband after 10 years. Since their disband, it has been rumored that the Order of the Illuminati has survived underground and furthering their calling of enlightening the world.

Today, theorists still believe in this secret society. The Illuminati is thought to control the media, world affairs, and many governments in order to establish their New World Order, a one-world government. By following the major symbols and their meanings like the Pyramid and the Eye, members are guided to have the power to alter the future of the entire world.

It is believed that the Illuminati has given Beyoncé all of her fame, power, and money to continue to reign over millions of people. Even bell hooks claims that Beyoncé’s audience is the world. As she is considered American royalty, her power is no surprise to many. People speculate that she has given her soul to the Illuminati in order to gain her control. With this influence, it is believed that Beyoncé strives to use her fame to change societal perception on integral issues regarding the African American and female communities.

Lemonade was Beyoncé’s catalyst for societal change as she focuses on themes such as racism and sexism within her visual album. bell hooks’ criticism of this visual album highlights that is it the construction of a powerfully symbolic black female sisterhood that resists invisibility, that refuses to be silent. The power of this album has on societal thinking is no secret, Queen Bey is attempting the change the world.

As soon as Lemonade emerged from the ashes, the Beyhive and the rest of the world has been in shock, especially since hearing “Formation”. The iconic “Y’all haters corny with this Illuminati mess” will forever haunt our minds. Rumors flooded the internet as Beyoncé publicly regarded her theorized association to the secret society. Now everyone seems unsure of whether she was joking, criticizing her “haters”, or admitting her leadership of the organization.

The internet caught fire when her Coachella performance began as connections to this secret society were publicly displayed.

Sure, some of the references are a bit eerie, but the true indictment people are trying to make by connecting Beyoncé with the Illuminati smacks so hard of sexism and racism — exactly the topics Lemonade is meant to blow up — that I almost have to wonder if she’s just messing with them now

Not even do Yoncé’s lyrics cite the Order of the Illuminati, but also her performances. Through hand signals and her fashion choices, a clear connection can be made between the two. She can be seen holding up the two most recognized Illuminati symbols, the Eye and the Pyramid. These gestures suggest that you are always being watched and that money is the route to all freedom. Many believe these forward cues indicate her alleged membership to the secret society.

Sasha Fierce holding up the “Eye” Illuminati reference.

Fans quickly forget about the Illuminati reference, instead watching her tackle much more important issues. A convenient distraction, perhaps?

Through pictures, lyrics, and Beyoncé’s path to world domination, her alleged association with the Order of the Illuminati should not be ignored. With this many references and followers, Beyoncé’s power and fame can be traced back to the Illuminati. Although she may not ever claim it, this Queen definitely has her support and backing from something or someone and my best guess is it has something to do with the Eye…

