Mental and Emotional Pain

Jayden McKnight
Beyoncé: Lit and Lemonade
4 min readMay 10, 2022

By Jayden McKnight

In the film Daughters of the Dust, Eula was raped and Eli who is married to Eula becomes suspicious of the baby and this causes emotional and mental pain between the two. He wants to know if the baby is even his or the person who raped Eula. Throughout the video, you can see how devastated they both are by these events. Eli is seen taking a bat and hitting his father’s bottle tree. Through this event, a great deal of emotional pain and mental pain is shown. While Eula cries from the frustration from these events that have taken place. They try and overcome this problem. Eli is also seen talking to Trula about his problems and shows a great deal of emotional pain while talking about this difficult subject. Mentally he loses himself a little while talking to Trula he is seen asking like why is this happening to me. He is questioning the situation and why did it have to be this way. He feels the need to find the person who raped Eula as he is overcome with this rage and mental pain.

In Lemonade Beyonce finds out that she is being cheated on by Jay Z and you are able to tell from her actions to tell how much pain she is in. Jay Z had been having a relationship with someone else who was not Beyonce. In Lemonade Beyonce starts off by being shy and in the shadows. She shows a great amount of pain mentally and emotionally. In the beginning, she is not her true self. She is seen as sad and in despair. She is also seen by herself and battling her emotions during the time. During this period she is not her true self. These events are portrayed very well and show the true emotion, that Beyonce was going through during this hard time in her life. At the beginning of Lemonade Beyonce says “I pray you catch me listening” as she is watching what is going on with Jay Z hoping he notices and will change his ways. Near the ending of Lemonade pictures of family members that were killed by the police are shown. You are able to tell the emotional pain on the mother’s faces as they sit and hold pictures of their sons. One example would be Caleb Brown’s mother tearing up holding his picture while the mothers show the pictures of their sons. The first picture shows the loneliness that Beyonce went through and the emotion of overcoming such a big obstacle put in her way. The second picture shows her watching as things are taking place in the relationship between Beyonce and Jay Z this is when she says “I pray you catch me listening”.

In Beloved Sethe is put into a bad situation which is having a baby during the times in which slavery is still going on. She takes the life of her baby Beloved and loses herself in the process. While this happens she is put into a painful situation, by trying to overcome what she has done and the responses of others. Her family tries to help as they are able to tell her mental and emotional state is not stable. Paul D gives Sethe words of encouragement by saying “you are your best thing. You are.” Sethe response to this was who me? By saying this you can just tell her emotional and mental state by her not having enough confidence to believe what he is saying right away. Another situation in which she is put in that causes emotional and mental pain is when Paul D tells Sethe that Halle was there with her encounter with the schoolteacher’s nephews. Hiding in the barn loft watching, while he was shocked by the encounter going on in front of him. This also messes with Sethe’s emotional and mental state as this also causes her pain as Halle just sat and watched without doing anything to help her as she was helpless. Hearing this news from Paul D after not hearing from Halle for such a long time also takes a toll on Sethe. She doesn’t know what to think of it at first then it sets in.

