A Fairy Tale of Magical Manifestation Advice

How Can You Maximize The Law of Attraction?

Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic


law of attraction self-help tips manifestation tips love success personal development fairy tale
Photo by Susanne E Jutezeler via Pexels

There once was a young lady named Amanda. She had big dreams of becoming an influencer making millions on her YouTube Channel and Pinterest while traveling the world, enjoying fine meals, and meeting the sexy, loving man of her dreams.

Most would consider her a nice girl. But others noticed that every month she missed the mark on feeling content and achieving her desires. People observed the situation with awe and disbelief.

She was trying to manifest her dreams and attract all the fabulous things in life, but she consistently continued to make the same poor choices.

She refused to follow and trust her internal guidance.

Instead, she continued to ask others for guidance.

· When will I find the perfect man?

· When will my YouTube Channel take off?

· What about my Pinterest?

She asked her psychic friend the same questions, month after month.

As time went on…the change was slow, so she felt stuck.

Initially, asking others for guidance isn’t a bad thing; you can learn more about the action you should or shouldn’t be doing and which help build your…



Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic

Intuitive energetic empowerment life & business mentor/coach, who believes in magic, taking action consistently and that contrarians can change the world.