Meditation | Self-Help Tools | Spirituality | Mental Health

Do You Believe Meditation Can Be Transformative?

Try This For All the Vibes!

Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2021


Spirituality, Meditation, Mental Health, Personal Development
Photo by Dzenina Lukac via Pexels

Do you have something you feel so strongly about you often can’t explain?

I do…


I started meditating in May 2018 after an extreme mental breakdown.

Some call it “A Dark Night of The Soul.”

I have had many of those “dark nights” in my 50 years…

But that one, in particular, led me to meditation, and I have never missed a day.

My journey has been long, but in the holiday season of sharing, I asked my good friend, spiritual teacher, bestselling author and Medium writer Debbra Lupien, Voice of the Akashic Records to share a special guided mediation via channeling Archangel Metatron.

We also recorded a fabulous enlightening conversation about meditation, connecting with Angels, and more.

My intent is for you to enjoy it as much as I did, and please share and connect with Debbra!



Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic

A writer, and energetic life & business mentor/coach, who believes in magic, taking action consistently and that contrarians can change the world!