Mindset | Soul Growth | Spiritual Journey | Business

Success Tips to Start Your Day

Ten Positive Affirmations, Evolution, and More!

Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2022


Positive Affirmations, Success Tips
Photo by Tyler Nix- Upsplash

How do you start your day?

Everyone evolves at a different rate. Some “experts” may say it depends on how much work you put in. I know it’s more complex than that. What makes me crazy is when people put others in a box and try to diagnose without realizing that we are all complex at various stages in our journey.

It may take someone else more time and a lot of rewiring to transform inBusi who is doing the work, give yourself grace.

Oh! And…stop comparing!

Some say it’s evolution and growth over a lifetime, but if you believe your soul moves on after you pass away and your soul has lived thousands of lifetimes, it’s really growth and evolution for eternity, right?

So, in the spirit of growth and evolution in this lifetime, I am sharing some affirmations to help rewire any negative, self-defeating thoughts you may be having a few podcast shares for more business success tips and habit building.

Here are ten positive affirmations:

1. I am letting go of old habits to bring in opportunities.



Melinda Van Fleet
Beyond Basic

Intuitive energetic empowerment life & business mentor/coach, who believes in magic, taking action consistently and that contrarians can change the world.