I’m Turning 40 This Year And I Have No Idea What I’m Doing With My Life

So I’m filling the void with clothes

Alice Vuong
Beyond Fear


Photo by jessie koranteng on Unsplash

I spent most of my 30s building the life I had to get to this point in my life where I don’t know what to do with any of it. I’ve created a family and a career. Got an education, traveled, could travel more but I’m happy with the places I’ve been to, and have an overabundance of stuff I don’t need.

And now, I don’t know what to do next.

I celebrated my 10th anniversary at work this year

This year, I celebrate my 10th anniversary at work. While I’m lucky I don’t hate my job, it’s not something I love doing. The people are great and the work is okay. Recently, we had an opening for a financial controller position. My director asked if I would be interested. I said no. It would have been the natural progression for my career but I knew I never wanted that role. I didn’t even go to the employee celebration.

I’m the unhealthiest I’ve ever been

Since working from home, I’ve pretty much stopped any kind of exercise. I stretch in the morning and that’s it. Physically, I’m the unhealthiest I’ve ever been. I used to walk for at least 2 hours every day. Now, that’s been cut to zero. Most…

