This One Blogger Uncopyrighted His Life’s Work

And 5 reasons why I’m doing the same

Alice Vuong
Beyond Fear


Photo by Amaan Ali on Unsplash

While 99.9% of creatives protect their work like a mother bear protects her cubs, Leo Babauta, creator of Zen Habits, released the copyright to his entire website including his ebooks.

You can steal his ideas, pass them off as your own, share his life’s work with whomever you choose and not pay a dime. He’d love for you to give him credit but if you don’t, then so be it. Leo doesn’t care.

As the creator of Zen Habits, the act of uncopyrighting his work fits perfectly with his purpose of finding simplicity and clearing the clutter that one accumulates in their lives including the worry of someone stealing his work. Although releasing the copyright to this work may fit in with Leo Babauta’s philosophy, it’s definitely not the right fit for every writer. In fact, releasing our work to the public uncopyrighted is rarely an action that writers take.

We all want to protect our work.

Not only does copyright protect our intellectual property, it protects us financially. We don’t want anyone other than ourselves earning millions from our brilliance.

After reading Leo’s stance on why he’s uncopyrighting his life’s work, I’ve decided to do the same with my website. I’m not trying to be a…

