New AI for Creating Fake News Articles, Study Suggests it has been Used for over 100,000 Fake News Publications in the Last Month.

Beyond Human
Beyond Human News


The Fake News Research & Technology site reported on Facebook’s artificial intelligence (AI) research to create fake news articles to stir up controversy.

“A study published this month found that a new computer program that was created with Facebook’s help can generate a mass of misleading or false articles that are almost certainly generated using human intervention,” the site told Beyond Human News.

With this in mind, any article you come across may have been generated by Facebook’s AI. This threatens journalism as a whole because media consumers may no longer be able to know what is fact and what is fiction. On top of that, journalists hopping off a fake article to make their spin on it only spreads further misinformation.

It is unclear whether or not Facebook will stop this ‘experiment’, but all media consumers should be wary that what they are reading may have a post-human origin.

